equipment in use at the Excelsior Press

The Excelsior Press Blog

A "occassionally frequent" (?) update of events at the old Excelsior Press Print shop in Frenchtown, NJ

This is the index page. We've had quite a few visitors and students since this blog was begun, so we've improved navigation for you by breaking it down to multiple pages..

To review past blog pages:
2008-2009: Blog.2009.html
For 2010: blog.2010.html
For 2011: blog.2011.html
For 2012: blog.2012.html
For 2013: blog.2013.html
For 2014: blog.2014.html
For 2015: blog.2015.html
For 2016: blog.2016.html
For 2017: blog.2017.html
For 2018: blog.2018.html
For 2019: blog.2019.html
For 2020: blog.2020.html

Visit our
"NoDeadlines" YouTube Channel
for more videos from The Excelsior Press

To see some comments from friends, visitors and students:

~~~ VIDEO ~~~
To see the Video of Sarah & Jennette pumping the treadle and hand-feeding the old 1870's Gordon,
see video



contact Alan Runfeldt