Equipment in use at the Excelsior Press Museum Print Shop

The Kelsey Excelsior Press
parts photos
The OLD Kelsey Excelsior

Kelsey 9x13 gripper assembly detailKelsey Excelsior model 9x13

Gripper Assembly Detail

note curved shaft, closely mounted spring, round gripper arms

right-click to view full-sized image

5x8 Excelsior Ink Table detail

Kelsey Press - Model N ID
The Older Model "N"
table rotates counter-clockwise.
- on the downstoke

Note the angle of the ratchet and the  direction of the hammer stroke.
Kelsey Model N Ink Table
Kelsey Model Mercury ID The later Model Mercury Models O & U (and others)
table rotates clockwise
- on the upstroke

Note the different hammer and the ratchet teeth that are sloped in the opposite direction.
Kelsey Mercury Ink Table